Treatments reimbursed by the National Health Fund
12 686 02 40 / 12 686 02 41
Treatments reimbursed by the National Health Fund
12 686 02 40 / 12 686 02 41
The treatment is repeated from 10 to 15 times and each procedure takes up to 3 minutes exposure to the temperature of -120 C. It takes place in the most advanced cryogenic chambre in Poland.
Cryochamber at MCK is a medical facility in which low temperature is produced by liquid nitrogen contained in a tank outside the building. Today it is most technologicaly advenced device of this kind in Poland.
Małopolskie Centrum Krioterapii – Rahabilitation Center in Cracow offers a wide range of rehabilitation services, modern equipment
and experienced personnel.
It is widely acclaimed antiphlogistic, analgesic and revitalisation method which also reinforce an immunological system of a patient.
It is up-to-date method providing antiphlogistic and analgesic effect by use of magnetic field of low frequency commonly used to treat.
It is the most advanced method of electrotherapy which is much more versatile and effective than traditional methods.
Zabiegi elektrolecznicze polegające na przepływie przez część organizmu prądu stałego, wykorzystywany przeciwbólowo oraz przeciwzapalnie w leczeniu nerwobóli.
Complete offer of many forms of therapeutic, relaxing or sport massages. Treatments are conducted by experienced masseur.